Tuesday 22 February 2011


The lovely people at Uscreates have asked us to design a series of postcards for their company  to help them keep in touch with their clients, associates, peers, volunteers and interns. We have four weeks to come up with our designs and here are a couple of early ideas I've had. Watch this space for more...

Wednesday 16 February 2011

penguin design award 2011

This year's Penguin Design Award will go to the best cover designed for Garcia Marquez's 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'. I will shamefully admit that I have not read this novel (although I have read others of his) and have been carried away all day designing the below cover without actually putting much research into whether it represents the book in anyway. SO if you have read the book then I would be very grateful to hear your thoughts on the below!

Thursday 3 February 2011

graphic design fundamentals research project

We were asked to create a 15 page pdf of research for a project in which we were to produce a piece of design for a particular client, with a particular message and for a particular target audience. The aim of the project was to develop new methods of research and to present this research in a clear and functional way. Click on the pages to enlarge them...