Thursday 31 March 2011

this is london

Went for a lovely blustery walk along the Southbank today to take some photographs for the Layers workshop tomorrow. I have just been playing around with some of them in photoshop & indesign to think of ideas for my London book front cover and came up with these...


Workshop number 1 focused on the concept of repetition. We learnt that:

*The act of repeating something over & over is called repetition. 
*Repetition can be used as an aid to memory or to create impact. 
*Pattern is repetition and it is all around us. 
*'That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between lies art'. - John Locke

Here are some photos I took around the Elephant and Castle that highlight repetition in the urban environment.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

monoprinting london

Today's workshop was monoprinting with Rachel Ortas, which is something I did a long time ago at college and had since forgotten about. It is a really simple and relatively quick method of creating prints which are atmospheric. With the theme of London I produced the following images.

Monday 28 March 2011

penguin design timeline- a short history

For our Visual & Cultural Theory class we were asked to produce a timeline of a design subject of our choosing. I chose to explore the designs of Penguin book covers and here is my timeline - a short history of Penguin Design. Click on the images to enlarge them.