Tuesday 2 November 2010

back blog

... so, as the first 4 weeks of the FdA draw to a close I find that I finally (after moving house, Lola's half term, the flu and having no internet connection) have time to upload some of the highlights of the workshops we have done so far...

These first few images are from the Narrative workshop in which we looked at the different methods of cropping an image to alter the viewers reading of that image. I particularly like the way the photocopier has created noise when the image is enlarged, almost as if the figures on the steps of the British Museum have been singled out as criminals and enlarged to illustrate a newspaper article on their misdemeanors.

Here we have Chris, Stephen and Charlie working hard on task one...

... and later that day - it was amazing how much work was generated in such a short space of time.

Here below are a selection of pics from the Type workshop...

I particularly enjoyed the Type workshop and have found my self becoming a bit geeky about it.

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