Monday 29 November 2010

the top 5 publishers i'd like to work for: number 3. MC SWEENEY'S

Born in 1998, Mc Sweeney's Quarterly Concern is not so much a publisher as a literary review.
I have been collecting Mc Sweeney's since about 2004 when they started doing The Acme Novelty Library series by Chris Ware, author of 'Jimmy Corrigan: Smartest Kid on Earth' and one of the top Graphic novelists around today. I am not quite sure who the actual publisher of McSweeney's is - some editions list Drawn & Quarterly, some Hamish Hamilton/Penguin and one of the latest is done by Tate Publishing. Nevertheless collectively, in my opinion, they make some of the most astonishingly beautiful books in print, both in terms of design and content. The production values are exquisite; gold embossing, wrap-around dust jackets that open into posters with mini comics embedded in their folds, glow-in-the-dark ink, cloth spines and numerous other expensive finishes. Below are a collection of my favourites. (note to any family members looking to get me a christmas present - I don't yet have 'Art of McSweeeny's)

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