Tuesday 30 November 2010

what i have learned so far...

As this term draws to a close I thought I'd write a little about how things have been so far..
The course is undoubtedly the right one for me - it is vocational and really focused on teaching us how to get a job and work as Graphic Designers. The students, all 100 of us, seem a great mixture of ages and cultures and the teachers are friendly, inspiring and, most importantly, seem to know what they are talking about. I am already looking forward to next term's project  (hopefully I will get a place with Okido) although I have to say I've found it challenging to get my head around how the course works and to keep up with the plentiful and various assignments we have received this term. One of the hardest parts so far has been keeping up with this blog itself - learning how to use the frustrating templates available on blogspot and also learning how to describe the way I feel about art when my appreciation always seems to be more visceral than intellectual. The first project, Graphic Design Fundamentals, has been a really useful one in learning different methods of research. Now I am just looking forward to actually making something! Here's to the next term...

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